Well, it all started with "Lets do something great". 

Week 1 of my studies at USM Engineering Campus, started off with meeting like minded people (Aruth) who was equally passionate about doing something in campus which will eventually help is in the near future.

3 weeks passed by where we had so much fun but never did anything useful until one night we decided to work hands on in anything related with aerospace industry. Although all this plans we our brainchild but the effort and route was crated by Aruth, contacting and arranging a meeting with lab technician Mr. Zihad. We managed to form a group of 6 people under the supervision of Mr. Zihad and Mr. Amir( also an equally talented and experienced technician).

Both Mr. Zihad and Mr. Amir was really kind and taught us loads of new stuff. They were one the best The School of Aerospace had to offer. We are glad that we met them. Standing on the far left is Mr. Amir and on the far right is Mr. Zihad.

We were assigned to work on a Depron project to understand better on how Alevon( Aileron and Elevators) planes worked. The build of the plane consisted of foam board and electronics. We managed to learn the cutting and adhesion process.   



Electronics needed for Project:
  • Rechargeable Lithium ion battery
  • brushless motor
  • servo *2
  • receiver
  • transmitter
  • Electronic Speed Controller(esc) 

The picture above depicts the electronics layout and connection used for the project. It took us roughly 4 weeks to complete our project. We even named the project 'Flying stone project' as it was a stepping stone for all of us.

It took us plethora of trial and error to successfully complete our project. We enjoyed all of it as we got to learn more and more about our project. I would say that all of us laid a good foundation on how RC planes worked and how to operate it. I mean it didn't just magically happen with just building the plane; we had to learn to calibrate, fly it, and many more which I will be covering it in different post.


Then came the crucial part will our plane fly?
Take a look for yourself ........

Team Members
  • Kishorr AKA ROMEO
  • Immanuel (me)(still figuring out my call sign)

All our effort paid off, we managed to fly our plane. We were truly happy of what we as a team achieved in such a short time. We owe to everyone who helped us with this journey of building our RC plane. 

It's just the beginning..... 



  1. Good effort Manuel. Keep on writing and create history.


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